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St. Junipero Serra Catholic School is a strong faith community centered in spirituality, prayer, and devotion to living the Gospel message. Our Catholic identity is woven into everyday life at school through the active involvement of students and the support and example of parents, administrators, teachers, staff, and alumni. Our school community, joined by family and friends, comes together throughout the year to celebrate the gift of Christ.


St. Serra students grow in faith, service, and character by participating in monthly school Masses. Students in Grades 1-8, guided by their teachers, plan all aspects of the liturgies: they choose the Mass themes, write the Prayers of the Faithful, select the music, and prepare the readings of the day. Students also join in the liturgical celebration as readers, altar servers, cantors, ushers, and greeters, among other roles.

Preschool, Transitional Kindergarten and Kindergarten students are introduced to prayer and reflection within the classroom. Preschool students are invited to have quiet time to pray at the prayer table every week and are encouraged to pray with their friends. Students in these grade levels, along with their invited guests, attend their own special prayer services throughout the school year in our St. Serra Chapel.

In addition to our monthly all-school Masses, students also participate in:

  • Rosary Mondays
  • the sacrament of Reconciliation
  • grade level Masses and retreats
  • daily Angelus prayer at noon
  • a reenactment of the Nativity at Christmastime
  • Living Stations of the Cross
  • various outreach and service projects
  • Bear Prayer Partners
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