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Welcome to the St. Serra Library! We have over 21,500 copies that range from Preschool to Young Adult titles and 5,953 eBooks (as part of a shared Diocesan Follett eBook Library) for you and your children to enjoy. Parents are also welcome to check out books. Please refer to the menu below to learn about our Library Apps, policies and procedures, and much more. If you have any questions regarding the St. Serra Library, please contact Sandy Supple, at



FREE Destiny Discover® App for mobile phone or tablet.

Student's ST. SERRA email address and Passwords are required to login.

Use the Destiny Discover® App to use on your mobile device anytime, anywhere to do all of the the things listed below. It will help you keep track of what your children are reading, what they have checked out and when they are due. It will also give you access to our library's 6,000 eBooks.

With Destiny Discover you or your child can:

Place holds and renew books they’ve already checked out.

Get Accelerated Reader (AR) information such as reading level, point value and test number.

Access eBooks. All eBooks accessible during the summer months.

Cite your book with an export tool to EasyBib

Login Instructions

In order to connect to the Library online catalog (Destiny Discover) or the Destiny Discover App (see below) you will need the following:

  1. Select California for state of school
  2. Select St. Junipero Serra Catholic School
  3. Login using your student's St. Serra email address and password
Please use the links below to review all library policies. To obtain a library exception request for your child to read Young Adult books, click on the Young Adult Policy below:

The St. Serra Library has a collection of approximately 22,000 books, many of which have available Accelerated Reader quizzes (including non-fiction). To find out if a book in our library has a quiz and it's corresponding quiz # and how many points it's worth, check out our online catalog, Destiny Discover.

To access the Accelerated Reader online book finder program to find books not carried by our library click here.

Celebrate your student's birthday, special accomplishment, First Communion or favorite holiday. You can also dedicate a book in honor of your child's teacher. If you would like to participate in the CBC simply fill out the form and donate $25 to the library. Students may choose their new book from the selection cart or get ideas from the library's wish list.

What you get for your $25 tax deductible donation:

1. A book selected by student and/or family for donation to the library.

2. A donation bookplate will be placed in the book with student's name and message.

3. Student's book donation announcement will appear on Serra Vision.

4. Students should go to the library and see Mrs. Supple for the selected book of their choice.

5. Student will be the first one to check out the book. When the book is returned it will be placed into circulation for all to enjoy.

Dedicate a book today!

We are not accepting any used book donations at this time. 



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