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Absolutely! Bringing a 1:1 program to the school has changed the paradigm of education in the classroom. Because how the iPad and laptop is used in the classroom will vary somewhat by grade level, this will be reviewed by the teachers at the respective Back-to-School Nights.

The cost of the 1:1 program is included in the educational cost for each student. This cost includes the use of the equipment, protective case, licensing for apps/programs, and security/management tools.

However, the cost of repairs and lost equipment will be billed separately to each family as applicable.

Students who are in Grades TK to Two will be utilizing the Apple iPad.
• iPads for students in TK and Kindergarten remain in the classroom
• iPads for students in First and Second Grade are sent home with students

Students who are in Grades Three to Eight will be utilizing the Lenovo Chromebook 300e

Are the students be able to keep their devices?
Students are issued their device for their continued use while enrolled at the school (including summer months). When a student leaves the school, or the device has reached its end of lease, the equipment must be returned to the school.

This is not a fair comparison.

The 1:1 Program fee includes more than just the use of the device, case, apps, or Accidental Drop Protection warranty, and tax; it also includes the training, enterprise mobile device management software and other infrastructure enhancements required to make this program a success including teacher iPads, support, synching carts, and content filtering.

Students are required to use school-owned devices for this program. Because of the way the devices will be managed at an enterprise level, all of these devices will be owned by the school. Enterprise level management will allow for the school to push applications to the devices, remotely lock or wipe data from the device, and other network functions.

A school-issued device will also ensure that all students have the same equipment on which to work, which apps are installed on the device, and the filtering which we can have in place at all times.

The Help Desk is open Monday to Friday from 7:10 to 3:00 p.m. to assist students with problems with their devices. The Help Desk is located in the PEB on the second floor in the Third Grade wing.

Students may also open a tech ticket by emailing

If a student is having problems with accessing one of their software programs, please email

If your student is experiencing problems with their device after school hours and is unable to complete their homework, please contact the teacher(s) by email to notify them of the challenges that they are having.

Please make sure the student stops by the Help Desk first thing the following morning so that the IT team can troubleshoot the problem(s).

Once a device has been evaluated by a member of the school's IT team, they will determine the best course of action to ensure that the student is provided with a well-performing device.

If it is determined that a device must be sent out for repairs, a replacement iPad or laptop will be issued to the student by the end of the day.

There is no charge to the family if the repair is the result of a manufacturer defect with the equipment, or other similar issue. However, families will be billed the $49 (iPads) or $25 (Chromebooks) service charge is the repair is the result of accidental handling.

The case on the equipment may not be changed. These cases were carefully selected to ensure the proper protection for the school-issued equipment. Replacement cases are available at the school's cost if the original case is lost or damaged.

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