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For Seventh and Eighth Grade Students

The California Junior Scholarship Federation (CJSF) is a state-wide organization honoring outstanding students for their academic excellence. Qualified students who earn a minimum of four (4) trimesters of membership between their seventh grade year and trimesters 1 and 2 of their eighth grad year are bestowed honor medallions upon them at graduation. For students who enter St. Serra in eighth grade, we prorate this requirement to two trimesters of membership during their eighth grade year.

Each qualified student must complete the application and submit it for grade verification with a copy of the qualifying Student Learning Assessment attached.

Membership in CJSF is neither automatic nor compulsory. It is based upon scholarship and citizenship only. Extra-curricular activities or community service are not considered for membership eligibility. Requirements for membership are established and regulated by the CJSF By-Laws as stated in Article IV – Requirements for Semester/Trimester Membership. Academic classes that qualify for consideration are Religion/Family Life, English Language Arts, Mathematics, History/Social Studies, and Science.

A student establishes membership by earning academic points. For membership, the number of points earned must be twice the number of academic subjects in which the student is enrolled, i.e., ten (10) points must be earned by a student enrolled in five (5) eligible subjects. A grade of “A” calculates as (3) CJSF points, a grade of “B” calculates as (1) CJSF point, a grade of “C” calculates as (0) CJSF points. A student earning a grade of “D” or a grade of “F" in a trimester is disqualified from earning membership for that trimester.

For more information, please contact Mrs. Patricia Dominguez.

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