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We love taking care of your children! Whether it's a skinned knee, a sore throat or a stomach ache, we are here to help your child feel better. Our goal is to care for our students and get them back to class.

If a student is too ill to stay at school (fever, vomiting etc.) their parents will be called to pick them up. We ask that students who are ill be picked up within 45 minutes.



  • Students may return to school within 24 hours if symptoms resolve without fever-reducing medication.
  • A COVID-19 test is taken on day 5 or later and is negative.
  • If unable or unwilling to test on day 5, or the test is positive, continue to isolate through day 10 from the date of the first positive test.


  • Students who test positive for COVID-19 must isolate for at least five days after testing positive.
  • Isolation may end if there are no COVID-19 symptoms AND a COVID-19 test taken on or after Day 5 is negative. Parents must email a photo of the negative test to the Health Room.
  • If the test is positive on Day 5, students must isolate for ten days from the date they tested positive and may return to school on Day 11.
  • Immediately notify the Health Room if your child tests positive for COVID-19.


CLICK HERE for the CDPH symptom tree.       

  • Your child has been injured outside of school and is under a doctor's care
  • Your child has been diagnosed with a communicable illness such as strep throat, pink eye (conjunctivitis), hand-foot-and-mouth, lice or COVID-19
  • To communicate any other health concerns for your child, including allergies, conditions, etc.
  • All prescription or over-the-counter medicine must be taken in the Health Room.
  • Medication must be brought to the Health Room in its original container and a Medication Authorization Form must also be on file in the Health Room.
  • If your student has a severe allergy or asthma, and you would like them to carry their medicine with them at school, an Authorization to Carry Medicine Form must be on file in the Health Room. This form must be completed and initialed by a physician at the bottom where indicated.
  • NOTE: Only Middle School students are allowed to carry an Epi-Pen at school.

Medical exemptions to immunizations can only be issued through the California Registry Medical Exemption website (CAIR-ME) by physicians licensed in California. Parents can no longer request medical exemptions from their physician. All medical exemptions obtained through the CAIR-ME Registry must be submitted to the Health Room before a student can begin school.

The medical exemption law also states that 7th grade students who have had the chickenpox disease and have not received the Varicella vaccines (2 vaccines are required), will be required to obtain a medical exemption through the CAIR-ME Registry.



Medical Exemptions

Health Room Forms

Contact Information

Mary Hogan
Health Room Coordinator
(949) 888-1990 ext. 105

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